Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

PDF Ebook Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe

PDF Ebook Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe

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Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe

Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe

Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe

PDF Ebook Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe

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Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe


Attractive and informative best as an introduction for young readers. - School Library JournalThe book's engaging journal format provides the initial hook with great text and breathtaking photography. - NSTA RecommendsChildren, ages 4 - 9 will relate to this book and its activities, hopefully clamoring to create a similar journal with their siblings and parents. - Midwest Book Review

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About the Author

Mary Alice Monroe is the NY Times best-selling author of ten adult novels, including: The Beach House, Sweetgrass, and Skyward. The sequel to The Beach House, Swimming Lessons, is being released by MIRA Books in April 2007. Mary Alice s first children s book, Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter is a companion book to that adult novel. Monroe draws themes for her books from nature and the parallels with human nature and she is actively involved with several environmental groups. She is on the board of the South Carolina Aquarium (home of the SC Sea Turtle Hospital). Her experiences with wildlife provide the inspiration for her novels and children s book.

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Product details

Age Range: 5 - 8 years

Grade Level: 1 - 2

Lexile Measure: 580L (What's this?)

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Series: Arbordale Collection

Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Sylvan Dell Publishing (March 27, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1607185830

ISBN-13: 978-1607185833

Product Dimensions:

9 x 0.2 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

37 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#448,688 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The reason I got this book was to show our grandchildren about the habits of sea turtles. I have read Mary Alice Monroe's three books that involve stories about people who care for sea turtles. Being a "walker" for the sea turtle watch on our beach during turtle season, I wanted our kids to know what this meant. This charming little book has nice photos, and basic information about the nesting habits of sea turtles and their hatchlings. It is done as a personal scrapbook by one of the characters in "Swimming Lessons" for her daughter, but still is a very useful introduction to these creatures for children and adults.

I bought this for my beach lover, wildlife lover granddaughter. I adore Mary Alice Monroe and read everything she publishes. I live in the area she writes about, raised my children on the very beach where the Turtle team labors to protect endangered loggerhead turtles. In fact, the other night my husband and I got to see a nest hatch and helped guide the babies to the sea. This books has beautiful pictures and fascinating information about these amazing sea turtles. It is a treasure.

Every time Mary Alice Monroe touches her pen to paper a wonderful story is told. Storytelling at its absolute best. I fall in love with her characters every time. I wish I could give 10 stars!

I truly loved this book and the second one to follow it. I wanted so much for the story to continue into a 3rd book. I loved the development of the characters the depth the secrets that only women can share and their group of turtle herders. There was laughter, tears, octogenarian health concerns and depletion of characters as they faded with age. Such a warm and loving book throughout. The mystery of it was almost second billing, I lived near the ocean when young and this just made me miss it now that I live in the sonoran desert! A good read for a rainy day, or a day on the beach during vacation. Mystery intertwined throughout this lovely rememberance of Summer.

Very good book to read to my girls at night, they loved it and I look forward to reading it to them many more times. I even learned a few things!

This is a great book for a kid but DO NOT purchase it on your kindle. They scanned in two pages at a time in order to show complete photographs and it DID NOT WORK. The photos and writing are SO SMALL you can't read it. A TOTAL waste of money.

good books

Great detail, photos on their life!

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Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe Kindle

Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe PDF

Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe PDF

Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe PDF
Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter (Arbordale Collection), by Mary Alice Monroe PDF

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